Brown Belt 1

Brown Belt Test

Give the Japanese terms for the following:

1. Knife hand strike to collar bone __________________________

2. Turning backwards ___________________________________

3. Weaving in (towards opponent) _________________________

4. Fist edge __________________________________________

5. Descending elbow strike ______________________________

6. Jumping back kick __________________________________

7. Back roundhouse elbow strike _________________________

8. Inside low kick ____________________________________

9. Return to ready stance _______________________________

10. Quiet breathing ___________________________________


Your opponent attacks with a left gedan mawashi geri.

Describe how you would counter this attack using close, middle and long distance technique. Give the counter technique you would use then follow up with two moves–using different ones in each example. ( Use Japanese terms)

1. Close Distance: ______________________________________________________


2. Middle Distance: _____________________________________________________


3. Long Distance: ______________________________________________________



In the symbol of Ashihara Karate there are five main points representing what we strive to achieve. Number the five points on the symbol on the right and on the left write what each one stands for.

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________


Discuss the aspects of Karate in general and Ashihara Karate specifically that have affected you most in your training. Compare the reasons you began to train with those that influence your choice to continue. Are there any expectations you've had which have not been met? What have you learnt through your training which you didn't anticipate?







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My Karate Odyssey
Kaicho Hoosain Narker’s
My Karate Odyssey is now available read more ...

Ashihara Karate
Get Together

Kaicho will visit the Danish Dai Ki Haku Honbu Dojo (Shihan Kurt Orum 9th Dan) in Viborg, Denmark in November 2008

Kaicho returned from a teaching tour of Thailand & Singapore in August/September 2008

World kumite 2008
The World Kumite Championships was held in Pattaya, Thailand in August 2008. This event showcased the true spirit of the Martial Arts and had top fighters from all around the World.  Kaicho was elected to the Executive Committee of Grand Masters.

Sabaki Challenge took place on August 23 in Cape Town - read more ...

The European Summer Camp took place in Belgium on May 23- 25. read more ...

Ashihara Kancho

Ashihara Karate Kaicho