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About Joining

About Joining – Ashihara Karate International – Kaicho Hoosain Narker Sabaki Fighting Karate

Thank you for your interest regarding Ashihara Karate International. We are always interested in making contacts with Organisations around the world. One of our main goals is to provide quality learning experiences for our members. We host seminars and workshops in several areas including Instructor, Referee and Coaching Certification, Administration, and Business Management to list a few.

We would be interested in working with you to assist in co-ordinating similar workshops for you or your students. The majority of our workshops take place at our Headquarters in Retreat, Cape Town as well as at the various Regional Headquarters in South Africa and Member Countries. Most of them are a single day or a series of workshops over several months.

We also hold several workshops in front of our major tournaments. Our major competition is held in August of every year. We would be interested in working with you to co-ordinate having you send a team to this tournament. For further details see

Should you require more information or if you want to discuss any specific issue, or wish to be considered for membership, please feel free to contact us.